Friday, August 20, 2010


I just got back from a five day visit to Kamsonga - the village where I'll be living for two years!  I am thrilled with the people, the environment and my house.  Here are some pictures of it:

This is my house! 

My living room.

Spare bedroom

I have a toilet!

This is my shower but I only get cold water so I boil some water, mix it with cold and take a bucket bath in this room. 

Paraffin stove under the chimney. 

My cubbard.  The volunteer who I'm replacing left me spices and other supplies!

This is my bedroom.  I moved a bunch of these boxes into the spare room.

The PCV I am replacing started a small library.

This is the shelf near my bed.

Supplies in the bedroom.

There is a hill behind my house that I climbed. Here's a view of the health center from it.  My house is right by the health center.


  1. Wow, you really lucked out with your house, that looks really big and nice! I bet it's a lot different than what you were expecting!

  2. that place looks great! the pictures are wonderful, thanks for sharing!
